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Register Now! SGIM WAMC Parenting Café – January 21, 2021 at 7:30pm EST

  • 1.  Register Now! SGIM WAMC Parenting Café – January 21, 2021 at 7:30pm EST

    Posted 01-18-2021 16:09

    Nighttime Parenting in Medicine Cafe
    Sponsored by the Women and Medicine Commission

    "Making It Work: Lessons Learned as a Clinician-Educator and Mother of Triplets"
    Thursday, January 21, 2021 
    7:30pm - 9:00pm EST

    Join colleagues for an evening of fun, laughter and encouragement as Dr. LeFrancois shares strategies and insights from her work as the Director of Education for the IM Residency Program at Montefiore-Einstein and raising triplets. Dr. LeFrancois will talk about defining your own success as a practicing academic medicine provider and parent, and the importance of separating out the "wants" from the "needs" in achieving that success. She will discuss the importance of taking stock of ever-evolving opportunities and challenges, tapping into resources, and proceeding with humility, flexibility and humor.



    Dr. Darlene LeFrancois, MD
    Director of Education, Associate Professor of Medicine, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Montefiore-Einstein 
    After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 
    Please forward to friends and colleagues who might be interested in participating. 
    Non SGIM members are also invited. 


    For more information  and to register, please visit:

    Please let Erika Baker know if you have any questions.

    Upcoming Parenting Cafe Calls 
    February 25, 2021 at 7:30pm - 9:00pm EST
    March 25, 2021 at 7:30pm - 9:00pm EST
    April 22, 2021 at 7:30pm - 9:00pm EST
    May 27, 2021 at 7:30pm - 9:00pm EST

    Nighttime Parenting in Medicine Cafe Workgroup

    The Workgroup on Parenting launched monthly meetings for SGIM members and guests in November 2020. The "Nighttime Parenting in Medicine Café" invites physician-parents to meet virtually and discuss solutions with invited speakers. The meetings are designed to be entertaining, useful, and encouraging. Zoom-bombing children, pets, and family members are welcome. Video recordings of the monthly presentations will be available on-line for those who cannot attend the gatherings. Future topics will include negotiating, self-care, scheduling strategies, and managing work and home.

    Academic physician-parents need support from their institutions, chiefs, co-workers, and professional societies to fulfill their demanding dual roles. In response, the SGIM's Women and Medicine Commission (WAMC) formed a Workgroup on Parenting in 2020 with three major goals:

    • To increase SGIM programming around parenting issues including monthly meetings throughout the year to equip physician-parents for success.
    • To form a community for networking and to provide a safe space for members to vent, troubleshoot, share experiences, and feel supported.
    • To work with leaders throughout SGIM to increase their support for parents at their institutions, and to identify concrete strategies for helping physician-parents to succeed.

    Deborah Kwolek
    Massachusetts General Hospital
    Boston MA
    (339) 223-0563
    SGIM25 Registration