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Faculty Development Video for C-E

  • 1.  Faculty Development Video for C-E

    Posted 09-19-2018 23:21
    Hope you enjoy a short/ high quality video on Setting Expectations from Dr. Lisa Willett,

    Dear friends,
    We are so excited to share our MedEd Moments faculty development video with you.  We created a brief six minute video for faculty development.  It is on our Departmental website (URL below), and FREE.  This is the first of a series and is on Setting Expectations for learners in the clinical environment. We plan to create more, so please send me any feedback!  Share with your faculty and enjoy.
    Best regards,
    Lisa L. Willett, MD MACM FACP | Program Director
    Professor of Medicine
    Tinsley Harrison Internal Medicine Residency Program, Director
    Dr. Tinsley R. Harrison Endowed Chair in Medical Resident Education
    Vice Chair of Education, Department of Medicine
    University of Alabama at Birmingham

    Carlos Estrada
    GIM Division Director
    University of Alabama School of Medicine
    Birmingham AL
    (205) 934-3007
    SGIM25 Registration