Academic Hospitalists

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  • 1.  VA IHI Free Registration

    Posted 10-30-2020 09:51

    The VA Office of Quality and Patient Safety has contracted with IHI for VA employees to participate virtually... for free. Registration deadline is November 27, attachment has details for VA employees how to register.

    This is a PSA. I have no relationship with the organizers or the VA Off Qual PS - sending because I almost missed the communication at my VA email! Before all travel restrictions years ago, VAQS fellows/ faculty had special sessions at IHI.

    PS: We are now taking applications for the Birmingham VAQS Fellowship for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and psychologists. Details at:

    Birmingham VA Quality Scholars Fellowship Co-Director

    IHI meeting

    Sunday 12/6 11am-4pm
    Monday 12/7, 10am-4pm

    Tue 12/8, 11am-4pm
    Wed 12/9, 1030am-5pm

    Carlos Estrada
    Section Chief, Birmingham VAMC
    GIM Division Director ,University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine
    Birmingham AL


    SGIM25 Registration