Academic Hospitalists

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  • 1.  Medical ed project

    Posted 05-06-2020 13:06

    Hello everyone,

    I hope you are all staying well during these trying times.

    We are working on a QI / Medical education project to supplement our current inpatient medicine curriculum for next year.

    We plan to assign high yield articles to inpatient ward teams to discuss in a small group setting in the afternoon (after rounds) every 2 weeks. The discussion will be led the upper-level resident using a blueprint, and after reviewing the predefined 2-3 main highlights of the article. The goal is to increase competence in critical appraisal skills.

    Are there residency programs that have something similar? If anyone is interested and would like to collaborate, please let me know.


    Jack Badawy
    Academic hospitalist
    UT Health, San Antonio TX
    (210) 517-8223
    SGIM25 Registration