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Opportunity to participate in a survey

  • 1.  Opportunity to participate in a survey

    Posted 10-15-2020 14:52
    From one of my colleagues:



    I am collaborating with one of my medical school colleagues at the University of New Mexico, working with the division of Hospital Medicine. We are currently distributing a survey to understand the attitude of healthcare professions towards upcoming COVID vaccine. 

     This survey would take about five minutes of your time, and would help us tremendously. Please see below message from the Principle investigator himself. 

     Please click here for the survey: 

     Your participation is highly appreciated. If you have any issues accessing this link, please let me know. Thanks. 



    Saket Kottewar

    Assistant Professor-Clinical, Hospitalist

    Division of General and Hospital Medicine 

    University of Texas Health at San Antonio





    Survey on "Attitude of healthcare professionals/staff working in health care setting towards upcoming COVID-19 Vaccine"


    Good afternoon 

    I am Dr. Rahul Shekhar, Assistant Professor with the Department of Internal Medicine. Here at UNM, we are conducting a research survey on 'Attitude of healthcare professionals/staff working in a health care setting towards upcoming COVID-19 Vaccine' and would greatly appreciate your help in this regard. With several COVID-19 vaccine candidates in development, we want to learn what are the main factors that healthcare workers would consider when choosing to receive the vaccine. 

    This is an online survey, takes less than five minutes to complete and no personally identifiable information will be collected. Our study population is all adults (Age 18 years or greater) working in the healthcare setting with or without direct patient contact. This research survey has been approved by UNMH IRB (20-515).


    The survey can be accessed through the link below or by pasting the link in the web browser. This is a 3 page survey, please fill all the pages to include your opinion.  Please feel free to forward this invitation to your friends, colleagues, and schools.



    Thank you for helping us further our understanding!


    Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for any questions or clarifications.


    Thanking you,


    Rahul Shekhar, M.B.B.S, MD

    Assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine 

    University of New Mexico School of Medicine 

    Albuquerque, NM​

    Heather Briggs
    Hospitalist/Assistant Professor
    The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
    San Antonio TX
    (210) 358-1944
    SGIM25 Registration