Academic Hospitalists

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Opportunity to Review Clinical Vignettes

  • 1.  Opportunity to Review Clinical Vignettes

    Posted 11-21-2017 12:49
    Dear Academic Hospitalist Colleagues,

    Please see details regarding the opportunity to review clinical vignettes from the co-chairs here:


    We are writing to encourage you to sign up as a peer reviewer for Clinical Vignettes for the SGIM 2018 National Meeting. As you know, the majority of the vignettes are submitted by medical students and residents, and are an important opportunity for our learners.  Many of the clinical vignettes focus on inpatient general internal medicine, and as an academic hospitalist you are in an excellent position to be able to thoughtfully review these abstracts.


    You must be an active SGIM member to review, and the review period is January 9-23, 2018.


    You can sign up here:


    Thank you for your dedication to SGIM!




    Laura Hanyok, Chair, Clinical Vignettes Committee

    Irsk Anderson, Co-chair, Clinical Vignettes Committee

    Matthew Tuck, MD, MEd, FACP
    Assistant Section Chief, Hospital Medicine
    Associate Site Program Director
    Associate Professor of Medicine, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
    Physician Utilization Management Advisor
    Medical Service (111)
    50 Irving Street NW
    Washington, DC 20422
    (P) 202-745-8121
    (F) 202-745-8184
    SGIM25 Registration