Academic Hospitalists

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Please Vote - Council Nominations

  • 1.  Please Vote - Council Nominations

    Posted 04-17-2020 11:25

    We understand that our members are on the front lines of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis – and your time is precious. Continuity in leadership is crucial to SGIM operations. We hope you'll take a moment to cast your ballot in this year's Council election. The leaders you choose today will have the opportunity to play major roles in shaping our field in the years to come.


    If you have not voted, please do so by April 20th with your voting credentials (username = email; password = member ID).

    Please go to to read about each candidate and cast your vote.


    Questions? Contact

    Erika L. Baker
    Committees Project Manager
    Society of General Internal Medicine
    1500 King Street, Suite 303
    Alexandria, VA 22314
    P: 202-887-5150
    SGIM25 Registration