Academic Hospitalists

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UAB Hospital Medicine fellowship

  • 1.  UAB Hospital Medicine fellowship

    Posted 11-23-2020 15:33
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    Please see below from Kierstin:

    UAB is starting a Hospital Medicine Fellowship that would target the same group that call the Academic Hospitalists Commission home, therefore I had hoped to share it with the commission so that they could share it with their networks. Would that be feasible? If so the email is below: 

    UAB is starting a Hospital Medicine fellowship for internal medicine trained physicians interested in a career in hospital leadership. The curriculum is robust-providing quality improvement and leadership training, a guaranteed spot in one of our related masters programs (including the Executive MSHA program which is currently ranked #1 in the US), mentorship by hospital leaders, and the opportunity for scholarship. The fellowship one-pager is attached-please share with any residents or program directors in your networks! Thank you all!


    Kierstin Cates Kennedy, MD, MSHA FACP SFHM| Clinical Associate Professor

    Chief, UAB Hospital Medicine

    Excellent Patient Care * Accessibility to our Patients and Clinical Partners * Respect for the Patient * Strong Communication

    UAB | The University of Alabama at Birmingham

    MEB 230F | 619 19th Street South, WP P915 | Birmingham, AL 35249-5600



    Important Notice:  This document and any attachments  contain confidential information and are prepared for quality assurance activity by the University Hospital Quality & Safety Division. It is maintained as private and confidential pursuant to the Code of Alabama Sections 6-5-333, 22-21-8, 34-24-58, and the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005. Any dissemination, distribution, copying, or other use of this information or its attachments without written approval is strictly prohibited.

    Keri Holmes-Maybank MD, MSCR, SFHM
    Assistant Professor
    Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine
    Charleston SC
    (843) 792-2900
    SGIM25 Registration