Academic Hospitalists

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AHA: Advancing Your Career - Registration is Now Open!

  • 1.  AHA: Advancing Your Career - Registration is Now Open!

    Posted 09-11-2023 10:50

    Refine your skills through coursework designed specifically for mid-career academics and receive career guidance from expert faculty with minimal interruptions to your schedule. AHA: Advancing Your Career allows attendees to complete pre-work at their convenience and attend live virtual workshops once a month September through November. View the agenda for a full list of courses and virtual workshop dates.

    *Please note, AHA Level 1 is not a prerequisite for participating in this course.
    Register Now

    Nathan O'Dorisio
    Assoc. Professor Clinical, IM
    Ohio State University College of Medicine
    Columbus OH
    (614) 366-7516
    SGIM25 Registration