Academic Hospitalists

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Final Reminder: AHA Early-Bird Rates End Tonight

  • 1.  Final Reminder: AHA Early-Bird Rates End Tonight

    Posted 08-18-2023 16:15

    Early-Bird Registration Ends Tonight 

    AHA: Advancing Your Career is the premier event for academic hospitalists. Don't miss your opportunity to plan for your future and gain vital skills in leadership, education and scholarship. 

    Learn from expert faculty and receive personalized career guidance with minimal interruptions to your schedule. AHA: Advancing Your Career allows attendees to complete pre-work at their convenience and attend live virtual workshops once a month September through November. 

    Early-bird rates end at midnight. Register now and save $150 


    **Please note, AHA Level 1 is not a prerequisite for participating in this course.

    Luci Leykum
    Professor of Medicine
    University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School
    San Antonio TX
    SGIM25 Registration