Academic Hospitalists

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Interested in moderating Academic Hospitalist Interest Group session?

  • 1.  Interested in moderating Academic Hospitalist Interest Group session?

    Posted 04-20-2023 17:12

    Hi all,
    I am scheduled to moderate the Academic Hospitalist Interest Group lunch session (May 12, 12-1pm) at the upcoming SGIM 2023 annual meeting. Unfortunately, I'm unable to attend the meeting so wondering if anyone is interested/available in taking over for me. It's not a major commitment, most of the session ends up being organic discussion in my experience, and it's always a great opportunity to connect with folks. I also have some handouts for suggested discussion topics from prior years that may be useful. Thanks in advance for considering and please let me know if you're interested. 
    Paul Cornia ( or  

    Paul Cornia
    Section Chief, Hospital Medicine
    Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System
    Seattle WA
    (206) 768-5237
    SGIM25 Registration