For this SGIM Forum theme issue—“Medical Education Innovations and Explorations,”—I was impressed by the breadth and scholarly achievement of SGIM members. In all our theme issues over the last couple of years, I commented on the passion and response of our membership in their writing and initiatives on climate change and health; systemic racism and medicine; team and interprofessional care; physician and patient well-being and mental health; and LGBTQIA+, sex, and gender minority health. This theme issue is no exception: our call for submissions resulted in a record-breaking number of submissions that could fill more than three SGIM Forum issues! Clearly, our members have a passion for innovative, impactful, and evidence-based models of medical education across general internal medicine career stages.

Educational “innovations and explorations” can be viewed with a broadly inclusive definition: digital technologies, learning frameworks, curricular development, and many more approaches fall within this scope. In the challenging task of identifying selected articles for this first volume of articles on the theme (of an anticipated total of three to four), I sought to present a diversity of experiences. However, I recognize that it’s an impossible task to capture all dimensions and perspectives in only one issue. Subsequent issues will share additional dimensions of the medical education learning experience.

In this issue, Webber, et al, offer a few quick tips on how clinical teachers can adapt to new learning environments and platforms. Casas, et al, provide key questions for faculty and postgraduate trainees to ask when determining what curricula a training program offers on sex- and gender-based women’s health education, especially considering the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court. Greene, et al, describe their student-driven model of curriculum development to master core competencies in LGBTQ+ patient care.

Murugan, et al, introduce the field of health systems science and the development of a clerkship module, which includes applying design thinking during a hackathon to tackle health systems issues, at Emory University School of Medicine. South, et al, also introduce two curricular threads—one on health systems science and another on health equity and advocacy—implemented in the fourth-year clerkship at University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

LeRoi Hicks, SGIM President, and Eric Bass, SGIM CEO, offer a look ahead at SGIM’s priorities on advancing medical education, in and out of SGIM. Kyanko, et al, call members’ attention to SGIM’s Leadership in Health Policy (LEAHP) program, which will soon begin training its fifth cohort of applicants as health policy leaders.

With so many submissions to pack into just one theme issue, I thank the numerous authors who submitted their work to the SGIM Forum. I hope this and following issues present more innovative medical education work from members and offer readers new ideas and inspiration. I encourage readers to reach out to authors if they want to learn more about an interesting approach and/or write a future SGIM Forum article that offers a related or inspired experience.



Advocacy, Health Equity, Leadership, Administration, & Career Planning, Medical Education, Sex and Gender-Informed Medicine, SGIM, Women's Health
