SGIM Forum

From the Society: Part IV

A Special Thank You

The past six months have introduced substantial changes into all of our professional and personal lives and unfortunately led to SGIM not being able to host the eagerly anticipated 2020 Annual Meeting in Birmingham. As chair and co-chair of the SGIM Program Committee, we were honored to contribute to the planning of the Annual Meeting. In place of a traditional retrospective article on the meeting, we wish to express our sincere thanks to the members of the 2020 Annual Meeting Program Committee, submission reviewers, and SGIM leadership for their innovative ideas, dedication, and steadfast focus on the meeting during a remarkable year. We encourage members to take full advantage of annual meeting content now available through SGIM20 On-Demand (

We can’t wait to see what’s in store for SGIM’s 2021 Annual Meeting!.


  1. SGIM20 On-Demand.    


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