SGIM Forum

From the Editor

The Only Constant Is Change

The year 2020 will be unforgettable in many ways. In this final Forum issue of 2020, we reflect on numerous national and global shifts and upheavals. At the time of this writing, various countries still address a prolonged first wave of COVID-19 cases while other regions, like Europe, are in their second wave, and the United States, in its third. If there are any silver linings to be learned from this chaotic year, it’s that we as individuals and societies are constantly changing. In medicine, we benefit from and engage in vast and far-reaching opportunities for collaboration and both individual and institutional learning. While not intended as a COVID-19 issue, this month’s articles reflect how significantly our experiences during the pandemic have molded our memories of 2020.

Lenhart, et al, and Kennedy, et al, offer institutional and leadership perspectives in transforming local support systems and effective communication channels to provide resources and information to their healthcare workers and physicians. Jean Kutner, SGIM president, and Hollis Day, treasurer, offer us a transparent view on planning for virtual SGIM 2021. Eric Bass, SGIM CEO, keeps us updated on SGIM finances and a new philanthropy program. Marley, et al, an SGIM member engagement associate, describes global perspectives from SGIM members in Argentina, Canada, Japan, and Switzerland on their countries’ COVID-19 responses. Student first author, Leede, et al, describes the potential promise of learning from social media for COVID-19-related practice. Carney shares tips for physicians caring for patients like her, a medical student, when she had surgery for non-COVID-19 care during the pandemic. Gonzalez offers a cautionary note about implicit bias training, acknowledging the necessity for institutions to adopt implicit bias recognition and management.

“The only thing that is constant is change,” said Greek philosopher, Heraclitus. Let’s remember 2020 as a time of growth, transition, or transformation. Global societies and climates are forever subject to change: the ebbs and flows are inevitable, but we also adapt and learn. As we grow, we will continue to serve each other and our patients as we begin 2021.


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