Submission Guidelines & Policies

Submissions open on August 27, 2024.

Submission Eligibility & Encore Presentation Policy

  • No content may be presented at the SGIM Annual Meeting if it has been published or accepted for publication either in article or abstract form prior to the abstract submission deadline.
  • Papers under review at the time of the submission deadline but not yet accepted for publication, even if appearing in the press before the meeting, are eligible for presentation.
  • No abstract may be submitted more than once to the SGIM Annual Meeting, either in different years or as more than one abstract in the same year.
    • This does not preclude submitting to both the SGIM Regional and Annual Meetings or submitting separate abstracts featuring different analyses or other significantly different aspects of a single dataset, merely the submission of essentially the same abstract more than once to the annual meeting.
  • Authors/presenters are not required to be SGIM members.
  • Late-Breaking Submissions: We do not accept late-breaking submissions.
  • Encore Submissions: We do not accept encore submissions.

Presenter Registration Policy

  • SGIM requires all attendees, including all presenters, to register and pay the registration fees set by the SGIM Council.
  • There is no one-day fee for the Annual Meeting.
  • If you invite colleagues to speak in an update or workshop, please make sure they understand that your invitation does not state or imply complimentary registration. 

Any changes in presenters and their related disclosures must be provided to SGIM by March 3, 2025.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest (COI) Policy

  • All submitting authors and co-authors must complete a Financial Disclosure in ScholarOne, prior to submission.

  • If the Disclosures of a presenting faculty or author are not submitted or cannot be reconciled, they will be removed from the abstract and agenda.

  • Disclosure information is provided by SGIM to attendees in electronic meeting materials (e.g. website and mobile app)

  • Speakers are required to identify all disclosures for all authors/co-authors for their submission at the beginning of their session and on an opening slide.

How do I fill out my Disclosure of COI statement as an author/co-author?

  1. Login to ScholarOne at: https:/
  2. Click on your name on the top right-hand navigation bar.
  3. Select Disclosures from the drop-down menu.
  4. Read the policy and complete the form.
  5. Enter your first and last name as a signature and click submit.

If I enter a conflict of interest in my Disclosure of COI, what are the next steps?

SGIM may contact any presenter or author to obtain additional information about their disclosures, for the purpose of reconciling their disclosures with the presentation content.  SGIM may also ask for a copy of the entire presentation slides in advance of the meeting to ensure mitigation of disclosures.

Do I need to share my disclosures with attendees?

Yes. Speakers are required to identify all disclosures for all authors/co-authors at the beginning of their session and on an opening slide.

As a submitter, how can I see if my co-authors have completed their disclosures?

You can view the status of disclosures for your submission via these steps:

  1. Login to your ScholarOne account
  2. Click on the "Submissions" tab.
  3. From the list of completed submissions, click on the drop box to the left of the submission you want to view and select "View Abstract".
  4. Make sure you have any pop-up blockers disabled. A Proof of the abstract will appear in a new window.
  5. At the bottom of the proof, you will see the three questions from the Disclosure section of the profile with responses listed for each author.

External Financial Support Disclosure Policy

  • Session coordinators pursuing their own funding for Annual Meeting activities or soliciting SGIM’s help in securing funding are required to follow pre-approval procedures in compliance with the SGIM Policy on External Funding.
  • Whether you raise the money yourself or SGIM staff identifies funding partners, all funding requests planned to be submitted to commercial partners must be reviewed and approved by the Annual Meeting Program Committee.
  • If funding is raised from commercial entities, letters of agreement between SGIM and the funder are required.
    • Please note: Whether you identify your own funding or SGIM raises funding on your behalf, SGIM will retain a portion of those dollars to cover administrative overhead. Please contact SGIM staff to be sure you are following the guidelines of the revised policy.

Questions? Please contact:

The SGIM Annual Meeting Team

Publication in the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM)

The Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM) is an official publication of SGIM. SGIM expects to publish all Scientific Abstracts, Clinical Vignettes, Innovations in Healthcare Delivery, and Innovations in Medical Education submissions accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting in an electronic supplement to JGIM. SGIM reserves the right to exclude any abstract deemed inappropriate for publication.

Press Coverage

Oral presentation sessions and poster sessions are open to the press.

Submission Info

Submission Website

  • All sessions must be submitted through the ScholarOne website:
  • Prepare to submit: Before the submitting author can include co-authors in a submission, co-authors/session faculty members (speakers/presenters) must:
  1. Create or update a ScholarOne personal profile/account
  2. Complete, sign and submit the required COI Disclosure
  • Submitting authors should use the ScholarOne search function when adding speakers to their session submission to ensure they are including updated and accurate information about each speaker.
  • A maximum of 10 co-authors per submission is allowed.
  • Allocate ample time to complete the online submission process (approximately 30 – 45 minutes):
    • Prepare and finalize the text of your submission in a separate program (e.g., Microsoft Word) before you log on.
    • Beware: cutting and pasting into any web-based system can be challenging, as many websites, including ScholarOne, do not capture characters not found on a keyboard (Examples: bullets, numbering, tabs, or mathematical symbols such as ≤ or ∑).

Submission Fees

  • Each submission, excluding Interest Groups, requires a submission fee payment by credit card.
  • The fee per submission is $85.
  • Submission fees are non-refundable.
  • Your submission will not be considered for peer review if the submission fee has not been paid.
  • If accepted, each author/speaker is required to pay to register to attend the meeting. The submission fee is not a meeting registration fee.

Email Communication

  • All correspondence will be conducted by email (only), with a return address of
  • To ensure that you receive your SGIM Annual Meeting emails, make sure your institutional email system will allow emails from this address to reach you.
  • All emails sent to you are also available for viewing in the Messages section of your ScholarOne account.

Submission FAQ

Submission Limitation Questions

Is there a limit on the number of abstracts I can submit?

Membership Requirement Questions

Do I have to be a member of SGIM to submit or present as a co-author?

  • Membership is not required for submission or to present, but we encourage you to become a member to enjoy all of SGIM member benefits, including discounted meeting registration. 
    We welcome submissions from all.

ScholarOne Account Questions

Can you merge my duplicate ScholarOne accounts?

  • Yes. Please email with the following information: full name, email addresses associated with the duplicate accounts and preferred ScholarOne primary account email address

I forgot my password. How do I reset it?

  • Click on the Forgot Password link next to the orange Log In button on the SGIM Annual Meeting ScholarOne Log In Page: 
    • An automated email will be sent to the email associated with your account. If you need to update your email address, please contact Technical Support.

Can I change my user account id?

  • Yes. To reset your password, log onto ScholarOne and:
    • Click on your name at the top right-hand corner of the screen
    • Select User ID & Password
    • Enter in your new User ID
    • Click Save Changes

Can you send me my account information? I can’t find my user account.

  • First check:
    • Correct email address: You may have an account listed under a previously associated email address from another institution. Also try using variations of the institutional email domain.
    • Correct ScholarOne Submission Website:
    • Please ensure you are using the correct ScholarOne website for the SGIM Annual Meeting: 
    • Enter your associated ScholarOne email address and click on Forgot Password.
    • If you do not receive an email from within the next 5 minutes, please contact Technical Support.

Can I view/edit a submission that I am listed as a co-author on?

  • No. Only the submitting author is able to view the submission from their ScholarOne account.
  • The submitting author can share a proof of the submission by clicking View Proof and emailing it to the co-author.
    • Note: Pop-ups must be enabled in order to view the proof.

Submission Policy Questions

Will my submission be published?

  • Yes, the presented abstracts will be published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM), the official publication of SGIM. SGIM expects to publish all Scientific Abstracts, Clinical Vignettes, Innovations in Clinical Practice, and Innovations in Medical Education submissions accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting in an electronic online supplement to JGIM. SGIM reserves the right to exclude any abstract deemed inappropriate for publication.
  • SGIM members can access JGIM issues by logging into the Members Only section of the SGIM website and clicking on grey JGIM tab above the "Welcome to Society of General Internal Medicine" on their account profile page.

Can I submit the same work that was previously presented at a SGIM Regional Meeting?

Can I submit my work that was recently submitted to another national organization’s medical meeting?

  • Yes, as long as the notification of acceptance by the other meeting occurs after the submission deadline.
  • Papers under review at the time of the submission deadline but not yet accepted for publication, even if appearing in the press before the meeting, are eligible for presentation.
  • Please review the Submission Eligibility and Encore Presentation Policy.

Can I submit the same work that was previously presented at another organization’s regional meeting?

Can I submit my work that was recently submitted the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM) in article form?

  • Yes, you may submit work to the Annual Meeting if you have not received a publication acceptance notification before the submission deadline.
  • Note: The peer review process for inclusion in the Journal of General Internal Medicine typically can take months to complete.

Session Info

Meeting Schedule

  • The scheduling of all annual meeting presentations is at the discretion of the Program Committee.
  • Presenting authors should be prepared to present in the time slot assigned.
  • Please note any potential time conflicts at the time of submission.
  • Presentation re-schedule requests should be sent to
    • Request submission does not guarantee that the requested change can or will be accommodated.
    • Requests can be made until March 17, 2025.

Author/Faculty Changes

  • Presenter changes can be requested/will be accepted until March 3, 2025.
  • To replace or add an author or presenter, during the Open Edit Period
    • Make sure the new author has a ScholarOne account and has completed the required disclosure statement.
    • Contact with:
      • Control ID
      • New author's name and email address