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  • SGIM 2025 Workshops

    Hello everyone!   I hope you are having a good summer.  

    I know it feels like SGIM 2024 just ended but calls for workshops for SGIM 2025 will be coming out any minute.

    The theme for 2025 is From Ideas to Action: Catalyzing Change in Academic General Internal Medicine.  

    I wanted to let folks know about the theme and hopefully start a discussion on possible workshop ideas.  

    Feel free to send around thoughts you had to the group!

    Laura Hart

  • Research in Addiction Medicine (RAMS) program

    The RAMS Program has opened up recruitment for our 13th cohort of Addiction Medicine and Addiction Psychiatry fellows interested in pursuing research! If you know of anyone who would benefit from our program, we welcome your sharing of this information and/or sharing with us their email for follow up.


    Research in Addiction Medicine (RAMS) is a two-year supplemental program to one’s Addiction Medicine or Addiction Psychiatry fellowship and open to fellows who are considering a future academic research dimension in their career. For those enrolled in a one-year fellowship, we are looking for individuals who plan to enter into an academic position. RAMS is funded by a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Co-Directors are Drs. Patrick O’Connor (Yale School of Medicine) and Jeffrey Samet (Boston University Schools of Medicine & Public Health), and the Associate Director is Dr. E. Jennifer Edelman (Yale School of Medicine).


    ·       RAM Scholars are eligible to receive up to $8,000 to develop their research

    ·       RAM Scholars learn how to conduct impactful addiction research through leadership development, harm reduction, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) frameworks

    ·       RAMS provides mentorship by NIDA-funded experts in addiction research, including the opportunity for Scholars to visit their National Advisory Committee (NAC) mentor on-site at their institution

    ·       RAM Scholars and their institutional mentors attend an annual retreat in late fall, alternating between Boston and Vancouver

    ·       RAM Scholars are supported to attend the annual meeting of The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD)


    Please see the attached brochure for additional information. The next Fall Retreat will be held December 3 – 5, 2024 in Vancouver, Canada and program applications are due Friday, September 6th. 


    Emails of intent to apply are appreciated by Friday, August 9th. Please contact Jules CanfieldRAMS Program Manager, with your intention to apply and if you have any questions. More information, including Scholar & mentor applications, are available on the RAMS Program website.


    Thank you for helping us bring together another wonderful cohort of RAM Scholars!


    Best regards,


    Jeffrey Samet, MD, MA, MPH
    Patrick O’Connor, MD, MPH
    Co-Program Directors


    E. Jennifer Edelman, MD, MHS
    Associate Program Director

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