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Post-Residency Fellowship in Quality and Safety – BVAMC / UAB

  • 1.  Post-Residency Fellowship in Quality and Safety – BVAMC / UAB

    Posted 11-04-2022 16:32
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    The BVAMC and the University of Alabama at Birmingham are seeking physicians, nurses, and pharmacists for a nationally recognized post-doctoral fellowship in quality improvement and patient safety. The VA Quality Scholars Fellowship (VAQS) is a two-year position for physicians (post-residency), nurses (pre- or post DNP or PhD), pharmacists (similar to a residency), or psychologists.

    Time to obtain advanced degree provided. Mentorship and protected time provided for administration, teaching, research, and scholarship. Funding to attend a national meeting provided. Now recruiting positions for July 2023. Deadline to apply: 1/31/23.

     An overview of the program and FAQ's is available at

     If interested, contact Carlos Estrada, MD, MS ( and Patricia Patrician, PhD, RR, FAAN ( To apply, submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and a CV by January 31st, 2023. In the LOI, indicate your main area(s) of interest, desired outcome after the fellowship, and list the names and contact information of three people who can provide a reference.

    Carlos Estrada
    Section Chief, Birmingham VAMC
    GIM Division Director ,University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine
    Birmingham AL
    SGIM25 Registration